
Myomedicine’s philosophy is rooted in methodologies that aim to restore and optimize functioning of your body’s innate healing mechanisms. By targeting circulation and oxygenation of the tissues, this approach is designed to balance the immune system and decrease inflammation, resulting in less pain, improved mobility, and enhanced vitality.

Conditions Treated

Myofascial pain
Trigger points
Muscle spasms
Joint pain
Spinal arthritis
Neck pain
Low back pain


After assessing muscle tension, posture, joint mobility, and spinal alignment, we will work together to develop a personalized treatment plan, using acupuncture and/or osteopathic manipulative medicine, breath work, and mindfulness to support your healing.

osteopathic manipulative Medicine

Osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM) is an evidence-based treatment used to treat a broad scope of painful musculoskeletal disorders. Techniques include gentle spinal manipulations, balanced ligamentous tension, myofascial release, and strain-counter-strain, and may result in gradual, lasting return to optimal alignment and well-being. OMM can be used as a primary treatment, or in conjunction with acupuncture.

Neurofunctional acupuncture

Neurofunctional acupuncture integrates Eastern medicine and contemporary Western science, resulting in an anatomy and physiology-based approach to stimulating the body’s natural healing mechanisms. Very thin disposable needles are inserted at specific sites on the body, with or without a gentle electrical current.

Multidisciplinary Care

It is important that you receive thorough and appropriate investigation as to the underlying cause or causes of your condition. The assessment and treatment plan offered by Myomedicine is one important part of a multidisciplinary care team, which must include a primary care provider. Your team may also include physical and occupational therapists, a behavioral health specialist, reproductive specialist, a nutritionist, a rheumatologist, a neurologist, an orthopedist, and/or a cardiologist.