WHAT PATIENTS and colleagues ARE SAYING:  

There aren’t enough words to express how pleased we are with Dr. Colbert. She is amazing, and our patients are incredibly happy with the care she provides.
— LC, Skilled Nursing Facility Administrator
I have the pleasure of working with Dr. Melissa Colbert as the Medical Director of our Pain and Functional Restoration Program at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital Network in Medford MA. Dr. Colbert is warm, caring and extremely empathic with her patients. She gleans a comprehensive picture of their needs and has a vast repertoire of skills that she can provide. What I hear most from patients, however, is how comfortable she makes them and how she is able to truly listen and understand their plight. I am somewhat awed by how she manages to do all this and still maintains the busiest, most efficient caseload of any of our physicians. She also works closely with our diverse interdisciplinary team and makes herself available to consult and discuss patients both when she is on and off site. She is an extremely respected and valued member of our team and a phenomenal physician.

— Eve Kennedy-Spaien, Clinical Supervisor, Pain and Integrative Medicine and Work Injury Programs
My knee arthritis was acting up while I was in the hospital. A cortisone injection took away my pain, and as a result I could walk out the door. Thanks, Dr. Colbert!
— DB
I am a sales and marketing professional in high tech who has dealt with chronic headaches and neck pain for several years. Working with Dr. Colbert I have found relief from my headaches and chronic pain patterns. Dr. Colbert looks at the whole person and listens to her patients. She is committed to helping her patients become pain free. Because of Dr. Colbert’s holistic and integrative approach, her skills and experience she has used acupuncture and trigger point therapy to help me first manage, reduce and finally eliminate pain. She listens to her patients and leverages her training and expertise to use a combination of approaches to break a patients pain cycle and get them pain free. She also teaches patients how to stay pain free.
— DA
I would highly recommend Dr. Colbert to anyone looking for a doctor with a healing touch. We were having a hard time getting pregnant, and Dr. Colbert started acupuncture treatments on my wife; we both immediately felt relaxed and had a good feeling about it knowing she was in good hands. Sure enough, she got pregnant on the very next cycle and everything went smoothly! Dr. Colbert’s empathy, skill, and compassion are unsurpassed!
— SC
Dr. Colbert is truly a remarkable, astute and gifted healer and physician. After a serious injury, Dr. Colbert was invaluable in managing pain, addressing the underlying injury and creating long term relief in just a few sessions. Her wide range of hands on options and compassion made me feel totally confident and at ease.
— GJ
Like most chronic Lyme patients, I have seen dozens of doctors and traveled the country in efforts to help find someone to help me navigate this awful disease. After choosing an amazing LLD (Lyme literate doctor), I continued my search for someone who could specifically address the musculoskeletal issues that I have incurred as a result of Lyme. This search had continued for years - 7 to be exact, before finding Dr. Colbert.

Because of Dr. Colbert, I have made so much progress in regards to musculoskeletal issues and how I function on a daily basis. My quality of life has improved to the point I no longer go to bed worried about how my back, neck and shoulders will feel the following day or worried about having to carry one of my children and how it will throw my whole body out of alignment. As anyone who is experienced in navigating the waters of Lyme knows all too well, to find this in a doctor is very difficult, but finding this in a mainstream doctor is next to impossible.

Dr. Colbert is a skilled physician who is well respected by her patients and her peers but in my humble opinion, what really sets Dr. Colbert apart is her ability to listen - without judgment, without arrogance, but instead, with compassion and a treatment plan that is tailored to one’s individual needs as opposed to a “one size fits all” philosophy. This, coupled with her excellence as a physician makes her one of a kind.
— CW
I was suffering with extreme back and leg pain at the time I went to see Dr. Melissa Colbert, M.D. I had seen many physicians and specialists, including a neurosurgeon who had previously operated on my back but indicated that surgery was not now an option. I am grateful to Dr. Colbert for the extraordinary (I don’t use the word lightly) care she provided.

In my relatively long life as both a patient and medical professional, I have considerable knowledge of many medical professionals. I appreciate their differences and will spend significant time and energy searching for the “best” doctor. I have also been involved as a researcher studying the attributes of gifted healers. Dr. Colbert possesses a truly rare combination of intellect, training, empathy and intuition. These qualities place her among a very select group of exceptional healers.

A couple of specific comments:

a. Dr. Colbert’s acupuncture skills are second to none. Almost immediately, she had brought my pain down to a manageable level (something that no other professional, treatment modality or medication had achieved). Acupuncture also represents her deep understanding and ability to bring to gather the best that Western and Eastern Medicine have to offer.

b. Dr. Colbert listened carefully and integrated my words and symptoms into her vast knowledge base, and then translated her understanding back to me. It was masterful to experience offering me both hope and understanding.

c. She is a warm and caring human being. This is not something that can be taught and is inherent to who she is.

I feel most fortunate for the treatment I received from Dr. Colbert. She is indeed a rare find.
— Dr. Paul C. Roud, Ph.D