Arthritis and Chronic pain syndromes
“Over the years, due to different injuries or illnesses, I have been seen by many doctors. It is not often that you find a physician nowadays that will take the time to treat you as an individual rather than part of a factory line. It was pure luck for me to discover such a physician. I met Dr. Melissa Colbert in 2015 after a slip and fall injury. Since then, I have been seen and treated by her. She is kind, thoughtful, respectful and engaged. She takes the time to listen to the patient and puts thought into the best way to treat the person. For me, she has been an asset and life altering. Her treatments have provided tremendous relief to the pain I endure regularly. She has been encouraging not only with my physical treatment and well being but with the emotional aspect. Her words allow you to realize that there is a positive perspective to everything. A person should never give up hope. Honestly, I cannot thank her enough.”
“My knee arthritis was acting up while I was in the hospital. A cortisone injection took away my pain, and as a result I could walk out the door. Thanks, Dr. Colbert!”
“I am a sales and marketing professional in high tech who has dealt with chronic headaches and neck pain for several years. Working with Dr. Colbert I have found relief from my headaches and chronic pain patterns. Dr. Colbert looks at the whole person and listens to her patients. She is committed to helping her patients become pain free. Because of Dr. Colbert’s holistic and integrative approach, her skills and experience she has used acupuncture and trigger point therapy to help me first manage, reduce and finally eliminate pain. She listens to her patients and leverages her training and expertise to use a combination of approaches to break a patients pain cycle and get them pain free. She also teaches patients how to stay pain free.”